Reviving Giants: How Cloning ‘Big Tree’ and Other Historic Trees Can Reshape Our Future
A new story about Archangel in USA Today shines a spotlight on “Big Tree,” an ancient southern live oak in Orlando, which has survived centuries of environmental challenges.

“Why Save Old Growth Trees?” Event
Archangel co-founder David Milarch will speak at the Leland Public Library at 1 pm on Monday, November 20, 2023.

Smithsonian Museum on Main Street Video
We are so grateful for Benzonia Public Library to include us in its Smithsonian Museum on Main Street project. Enjoy this video featuring Archangel’s co-founder and director of propagation, Jake Milarch.

Archangel on Assisted Migration in New York Times Magazine
A wonderful new article in The New York Times Magazine delves into efforts of two nonprofit organizations to use assisted migration to conserve coast redwood trees.

Archangel Waterfall Tree Clones Growing in Oregon
Archangel captured genetics and propagated copies from one of the world’s largest trees, the Waterfall Giant Sequoia. Look at the trees now!
Information Archive
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Top-Tier Media Summary 2011-2020
Full-Text Media Stories 2008-2020
Value of Old-Growth Trees: